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Web Development X
Web Development X - 180°
The Intechgration.io
WDX curriculum consists of several lessons spread over 9 months, covering concepts such as the Internet, World Wide Web, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, React and more.
This course will guide and support students towards the following goals:
- Gain a firm understanding of computing and basic computer science concepts
- Understand how the Internet and the Web are working
- Learn how web clients and web servers work
- Build websites using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Become frontend developers
- Get to know how to develop backend web applications
- Work and interact with databases
- Get a basic introduction to AI and Machine Learning
- Become responsible and ethical professionals
Tracking your progress
Once you’ve joined the course and forked this repository, you’ll be tracking your progress by updating several CSV files (found under your personal user/
directory). You will be evaluating (and re-evaluating) your level of knowledge for each particular concept and self-assess your skills throughout the course. You will be sharing your progress with your instructor(s) and/or mentor(s).
Beginner: WDX 60°
- Week 01: Basics of Computing, How the Internet & the World Wide Web works, intro to HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Week 02: HTML, Accessibility & Git
- Week 03: CSS, Accessibility & more Git
- Week 04: CSS 2 & Performance
- Week 05: Mockup CSS Challenge
- Week 06: CSS Frameworks & Intro to Programming
- Week 07: JavaScript Core 1
- Week 08: JavaScript Core 2
- Week 09: JavaScript Core 3
- Week 10: Web APIs 1: DOM API & Events
- Week 11: Web APIs 2: Asynchronous Programming, Promises, JSON & Fetch API
- Week 12: Project Week: Combine Web APIs to build a web application (🔒 Stay tuned! This module is on the way.)
Intermediate: WDX 120°
- Week 13: Intermediate JavaScript
- Week 14: Intermediate JavaScript
- Week 15: Intermediate JavaScript
- Week 16: Intermediate JavaScript
- Week 17: Intermediate JavaScript
- Week 18: Intermediate JavaScript
- Week 19: Node JS
- Week 20: Node JS
- Week 21: React JS
- Week 22: React JS
- Week 23: React JS
- Week 24: React JS
Advanced: WDX 180°
- Week 25: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 26: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 27: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 28: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 29: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 30: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 31: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 32: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 33: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 34: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 35: Advanced JavaScript
- Week 36: Advanced JavaScript
- The Road Ahead (🔒 Stay tuned! This module is on the way.)
Project maintained by alkozp
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